Earth Day 2023


Gardening with Dad and How We Cultivate Our Own Personal Yoga Practice

I recall at young age, my father working all year long gardening in the back yard, his meditative space were 2 large squares in our back property in suburban New Jersey.

I had an opportunity to cultivate a space of my own. My plot was a square corner at the back of our house-my space, very cool! He continuously worked in the backyard garden, tending to it meticulously, day, night, before, after work, weekends and me asking mom,“where’s dad” she would say “oh, as usual in the garden.”

He kept it simple and used organic products, ie: pie tins tied with string on posts over the tomatoes-keep the birds away, wood poles connected with handmade string lattice-support beans, marigolds-repel mosquitos and beer-reducing slugs. There was an abundance of beets, potatoes, radishes, beans, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes. Root vegetables scrubbed and boiling over on the stove because dad forgot to turn it down lol.

In the back corner of garden, rhubarb grew wild, but would be cooked down for hours, bit of sugar, eaten as a dessert. Stringy, bitter, and time consuming preparation. We could not get rid of the rhubarb! Persistence?

I tilled, used organic fertilizer and observed. time, discipline, patience, I too had vegetables growing and that was so amazing! I loved it! The abundance from my diligent hard work, whole-hearted attention and patience! When a particular vegetable did not grow to yield, I reflected on what worked and did not work, made a few adjustments, began again.

The earth supports our bodies in yoga and we ground down building our foundation, focus.

I have many fond memories and extremely close to my father, reflect on his unconditional love, truth and wisdom, I miss him everyday. What is your truth?

Today, see what is possible for you, how do you want to feel after yoga practice, what is needed to build resilience! Oh and talk to your plants! Today is an opportunity to cultivate your own garden!

The same light you see in others shines within you too!


Welcome to 2025!


Mala Beads